Happy New Year!!
Its been a few months since my last update on Em and our family and I feel like I have totally fallen off the map... I apologize!! We have been so busy enjoying life without countless hospital visits, getting settled into our new home and transitioning back to work that I just haven't found the time to sit down and write.
Since the last time I updated, Em has done amazing! Her surgery in Sept went exceptionally well... like better than we could have expected (ever!). She has regained a lot of central and color vision in her bad eye and we are beyond thrilled by this! Its still too early to tell exactly what she can see or what her overall outcome will be, but we are staying positive and continuing to hope for the best!
Emilia had a fabulous Christmas and absolutely loved visiting Santa and his reindeer at EVERY mall! Im not exaggerating when I say that she saw Santa over 10 times! As such Santa was very good to her and she loved every minute of it! We were spoiled with so much love and family time, great food and amazing people... it truly was a wonderful holiday!
2018 has been a very challenging year... but I know that it has done nothing short of prepare me for the amazing things to come in 2019. I hope that you will tag along for the ride... keep an eye out for exciting new content soon to come!
Nichole M